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Rails Webrick server default IP and port

Rails -v 4.1.1 Ruby -v 2.2.1

I have 2 rails applications on one AWS EC2 instance. One app, I am able to startup on Webrick with:

rails server

I am then able to access the application remotely at the following URL:


The second app, I have to provide the -b and -p options. Without the options accessing the application at http://[public_ip]:3000 gives me:

This webpage is not available
connection attempt to [public_ip] was rejected. The website may be down, or your network may not be properly configured.

The only server startup otions that works for the second app is:

rails s -b -p 3000

I am then able to access the second app at http://[public_ip]:3000 . The second app is a brand new app I created on the server. The first app is code I checked out from an existing app. How do I make the second app behave the same as the first app?

Before Rails 4.2 default binding host for rails s command was . Starting from Rails 4.2 it's localhost . So it's no wonder you having this issue with the new app.

If you want your new app to start on automatically, include this into config/boot.rb :

require 'rails/commands/server'
module Rails
  class Server
    def default_options
      super.merge(Host:  '', Port: 3000)

Based on this answer .

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