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Create tags object from array in mongo collection for Select2 options

I have a mongo collection with a array field called 'tags'. What I want to do is create a single object that stores all of the various tags with a label and value. The end result should be an object I can use in a Select2 field in a Meteor application to create the results options. I have gotten close, but all of my solutions have not worked and are super ugly (read: not functional javascript)

Here is a sample document:

"_id":  "sjkjladlj",
"title": "Coldplay is Cool",
"tags": ["music", "yuppie"]

Now the end result I would like is:

value: "music",
label: "music"
value: "yuppies",
label: "yuppies"
value: "Some tag from another doc"
label: "Some tag from another doc"

Any ideas?

Here is the closest I have gotten.

options: function() {
          tagsArray = [];
          ca = Notes.find({}, {tags: 1}).fetch();
          ca.forEach(function(it) {
            result = {};
            result = it.tags;
          return tagsArray;

you can try with aggregation pipeline like this


Update. As soon as I posted I realized I simply need to add a inner loop. Its ugly, but it works.

options: function() {
          tagsArray = [];
          ca = Notes.find({}, {tags: 1}).fetch();
          ca.forEach(function(it) {
            result = {};
            result = it.tags;
              inner = {};
              inner.value = child;
              inner.label = child;
          return tagsArray;

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