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Simple trigger element for show/hide overlay (best practice)

I am confused. I have a simple trigger element which is showing/hiding an element, but I can never seem to get it to work with just one element. I think it may be the way I am building my JS, but I don't understand why it won't work. Here is a few variations doing the same thing but none of them seem to work.

Any help? Thanks.

function overlays() {
    $('.header-container .info-trigger').on('click touchstart', function(e) {
    $('.header-container .info-trigger.active').on('click touchstart', function(e) {
        $('.info-overlay').fadeOut('fast', function() {

function overlays() {
    if ($('body').is('.overlay-open')) {
        $('.header-container .info-trigger').on('click touchstart', function(e) {
            $('.info-overlay').fadeOut('fast', function() {
    } else {
        $('.header-container .info-trigger').on('click touchstart', function(e) {

function overlays() {
    $('.header-container .info-trigger').on('click touchstart', function(e) {
    $('body.overlay-open .header-container .info-trigger').on('click touchstart', function(e) {
        $('.info-overlay').fadeOut('fast', function() {

should be


You seem to be missing the class selector . all over the place.

In your it is checking for an element named overlay-open which I think is a class that you are applying to the body.

Also it is a bad idea to add click events based on conditionals.

Better way is to assign a single event handler and use conditionals inside it to get it working.

function overlays() {
    $('.header-container .info-trigger').on('click touchstart', function (e) {

        var $this = $(this); // cache selector
        // Check for active class and do the action
        if ($this.hasClass('active')) {
            $('.info-overlay').fadeOut('fast', function () {
        } else {

please bind with document of every click

$(document).on('click touchstart','.header-container .info-trigger', function(e) {

if still not working then show error console

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