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Simple way to hide and show element with svelte

I want to have a simple with way to hide and show an element with a button on svelte, how can I do it? Also is it simpler to do it in vanilla JS?

this code worked for me, it is a modified version of an example provided by Svelte which can be found here

    let visible = true;

    function toggleVissible() {
        visible = !visible

<button on:click={toggleVissible}>

{#if visible}
        This text will hide.

Svelte has the {#if} directive for that, which can be tied to local state, which in turn can be changed via a button's on:click .

Whether it is easier in vanilla JS depends on many things, including the overall complexity. In the long run, things tend to be easier with Svelte.

I would recommend doing the tutorial ...


Here is one way to do it in vanilla JS.

You can directly place this inside an .astro component:



    document.querySelector('button').onclick = () => {
        const el = document.querySelector('p')
        el.style.display = el.style.display === 'none' ? 'block' : 'none'


And here is one example doing it in svelte:

  let toggle = true

<button on:click={() => (toggle = !toggle)}> Toggle </button>

{#if toggle}

Make sure to import it with a client: directive to get the JS actually shipped to the client in astro:

import Svelte from "./svelte.svelte";

<Svelte client:load />

Which one to choose?

I would recommend going with svelte, since it's so more readable, and you also have a better scalability, when you plan to add more features in the future.

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