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Remove auto added trailing forward slash in asp.net mvc img src

I am trying to load a asp.net mvc 4 page with images in jpg extension as the img src. When requesting the images, it's automatically adding a forward slash to the url parameter resulting in a 400 (bad request) from server. How can I get around this?

Example (x.ImageUrl is definitely a string without the trailing slash):

@foreach (var x in Model.List)
                <img src=@x.ImageUrl/></td>
            <td><a href="@x.ItemUrl">@x.Title</a></td>

In view images are requested like this: http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51a6DHwbx-L. AA160 .jpg/

通过将@ x.ImageUrl放在引号中,可以正确加载图像而不加斜杠。

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