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find repetitive substring within string

I am trying to write a program that finds and counts the number of characters in aa repetitive sequence in visual basic.

For example, the string is :- ABCCCCCDEFFF

Expected output:-

C = 5

F = 3

I think it will be fine for you in order to learn a little about programming. Your question has an easy solution, and you have to make an effort to understand what's happening.


Dim i, j, count As Integer
Dim myChar As Char
Dim listOfChars As New List(Of Char)
Dim listOfCount As New List(Of Integer)
Do While i < str.Length
    count = 0
    myChar = str.Chars(i)
    For j = i To str.Length - 1
        If Not str.Chars(j) = myChar Then
            If count < 3 Then count = 0
            Exit For
        ElseIf j = str.Length - 1 Then
            If str.Chars(j) = myChar Then count += 1
            If count < 3 Then count = 0
        End If
        count += 1
    If j = str.Length Then Exit Do
    i = j
For i = 0 To listOfChars.Count - 1
    Console.WriteLine("{0} = {1}", listOfChars(i), listOfCount(i))


A = 3
B = 0
C = 6
D = 0
E = 0
C = 3
F = 3

The last sentence ElseIf added is not elegant at all but it works fine and handles the Array index out of bound exception.

i think this should work ... You could format the output anyway you want

Function getInfo(str as String)
     If str = "" Then
         return Nothing
     End If
     dim ret as String = ""
     dim current as string = str.First
     dim count as integer = 0
     For Each s in str
         If current = s Then
            count &= 1
            ret &= current & " = " & count & " "
            count = 0
         End If
         current = s
End Function

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