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Moodle - Adding an element to the settings menu

I'm trying to develop a plugin in Moodle . One of the requirements is to add an element to the Settings Menu, in which I was able to achieve with the help of this guide


And this is my code in local/myplugin/lib.php


function local_myplugin_extends_settings_navigation($settingsnav, $context) {
        // question_extend_settings_navigation
    global $CFG, $PAGE;

    // Only add this settings item on non-site course pages.
    if (!$PAGE->course or $PAGE->course->id == 1) {

    // Only let users with the appropriate capability see this settings item.
    /*if (!has_capability('moodle/backup:backupcourse', context_course::instance($PAGE->course->id))) {

    if ($settingnode = $settingsnav->find('courseadmin', navigation_node::TYPE_COURSE)) {
        $strfoo = get_string('classrecord', 'local_myplugin');
        $url = new moodle_url('/course/classrecord.php', array('id' => $PAGE->course->id));
        $foonode = navigation_node::create(
            new pix_icon('i/grades', $strfoo)
        if ($PAGE->url->compare($url, URL_MATCH_BASE)) {




I allowed the students to see the element "Class Record" in the settings menu


My concern is that how can I hide/show Class Record I added?

Any ideas would be great!

If you want only certain users to see the link, then create an appropriate capability in local/myplugin/db/ access.php , eg 'local/myplugin:viewclassrecord', defaulting to being assigned to the 'student' role. Then check for it in the function you have defined.


if (!has_capability('local/myplugin:viewclassrecord', $context)) {

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