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When adding a custom block moodle shows [[pluginname]]

I am creating a custom block for moodle and when I try to add it into a page is shown as follows:


Instead of a specified name.

The version.php file has these:

$plugin->component = 'block_userlist';
$plugin->version = 2019050316;
$plugin->requires = 2018120300;

And the block is defines as:

defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();

class block_userlist extends block_base {
    public function init() {
        $this->title = get_string('userlist', 'block_userlist');
    // The PHP tag and the curly bracket for the class definition 
    // will only be closed after there is another function added in the next section.

    public function get_content() {
        global $DB;

        // if ($this->content !== null) {
        //   return $this->content;
        // }

        $user = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT COUNT(*) as total_users FROM {user};');

        $this->content         =  new stdClass;
        $this->content->text  .= 'The content of our ';
        $this->content->text  .= html_writer::tag('span','UserList',['style'=>'color:red']);
        $this->content->text  .= ' block!';
        $this->content->footer = "Τotal Users: $user->total_users";
        return $this->content;

So how can I set a name different from [[pluginame]] ?

You need to add a file within your plugin called lang/en/block_NAMEOFYOURPLUGIN.php and make sure it has at least the following:

$string['pluginname'] = 'The name of my plugin';

You will need to the purge the site caches or bump your plugin version number, in order for the name to appear.

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