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301 Redirect not working on particular URL

I have a redirect rule set up as below

Redirect /Products.aspx?Category_ID=15 https://www.trainerbubble.com/free-training-resources/

However, when going to the address it attaches itself to an existing page /training-products and results in this


How can I force the original redirect and make it stop thinking its part of the /training-products page?

You cannot match query string in Redirect directive. Use mod_rewrite rules instead:

RewriteEngine On

RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^Category_ID=15$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^Products\.aspx$ https://www.trainerbubble.com/free-training-resources/? [L,NC,R=301]

? at the end of target URL is to strip off previous query string.

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