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PHP: Error in creating Server Instance in Google Cloud Compute

While using Google Cloud Compute's API in PHP, I am able to start, stop, delete instances as well as create and delete disks.

However, when trying to create an Instance, I keep getting this error

Invalid value for field 'resource.disks'

PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught exception 'Google_Service_Exception' with message 'Error calling POST https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/project/zones/zone/instances: (400) Invalid value for field 'resource.disks': ''.  Boot disk must be specified.' in /var/www/html/google/google-api-php-client/src/Google/Http/REST

Here is the request I am making


$computeService = new Google_Service_Compute($this->client);

if ($this->client->getAccessToken()) 
    $googleNetworkInterfaceObj = new Google_Service_Compute_NetworkInterface();
    $network = self::DEFAULT_NETWORK;

    $diskObj = self::getDisk($instance_name);

    $new_instance = new Google_Service_Compute_Instance();

   $insertInstance = $computeService->instances->insert(self::DEFAULT_PROJECT,self::DEFAULT_ZONE_NAME, $new_instance);

Any help will be highly appreciated, thank you.

Ok the solution was really simple (and silly)

Instead of


It's supposed to be

            'type' => "PERSISTENT",

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