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Python : error when insert mysql database

I'm using Ejabberd xmpp/jabber server and I'm trying to insert data into mysql database using Python

What I'm doing is :

username = "user1"
email = "user1@domain.tld"

import MySQLdb as mdb
db = mdb.connect('localhost', 'test1', 'test1', 'test1')
    cur = db.cursor()
    cur.execute("INSERT INTO vcard(username,vcard) VALUES('%s', '%s')" % (username, vCard))
except Exception as why: print why

showed to me this error :

(1064, "You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '<vCard xmlns='vcard-temp'><VERSION>3.0</VERSION><ADR><HOME/></ADR><ADR><WORK/></' at line 1")

but when I'm trying to connect to mysql via terminal and insert it, it's work 100%

what I'm doing in terminal :

mysql -u test1 -p test1

INSERT INTO vcard(username,vcard) VALUES("user1", "<vCard xmlns='vcard-temp'><VERSION>3.0</VERSION><ADR><HOME/></ADR><ADR><WORK/></ADR><TEL><HOME/></TEL><TEL><WORK/></TEL><TEL><FAX/></TEL><TEL><CELL/></TEL><EMAIL><HOME/><USERID>user1@domain.tld</USERID></EMAIL><EMAIL><WORK/></EMAIL><JABBERID></JABBERID><ORG><ORGUNIT/></ORG><PRODID></PRODID></vCard>");

How can I do it?

You don't need to put %s within quotations :

cur.execute("INSERT INTO vcard(username,vcard) VALUES(%s, %s)"%(username, vCard))

You can also remove the % at the leading of your values tuple :

cur.execute("INSERT INTO vcard(username,vcard) VALUES(%s, %s)",(username, vCard)) 

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