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Java 8: how to derive a ZoneId from ZoneOffset

I was reading theAPI for the ZoneId class. It states that there are three tipes of ID:

  1. derived from ZoneOffset
  2. offset-style IDs with some form of prefix. Examples:

     ZoneId.of("GMT+2"); ZoneId.of("UTC"); ZoneId.of("UT+01:00");
  3. region-based. Examples:

     ZoneId.of("Asia/Aden"); ZoneId.of("Etc/GMT+9"); ZoneId.of("Asia/Aqtau");

But what is the right syntax for the first kind? Documentation says that

[ID from ZoneOffset] consists of 'Z' and IDs starting with '+' or '-'.

What's the combination of String and ZoneOffset object I'm supposed to use to create a ZoneId of the first kind?

There are actually two question to be answered here

1) What is the right syntax for the first kind?

This is it:

    ZoneId z;
    z = ZoneId.of("Z"); //for UTC
    z = ZoneId.of("+02:00"); 
    z = ZoneId.of("-02:00"); 

here you can find the complete list

  • Z - for UTC
  • +h
  • +hh
  • +hh:mm
  • -hh:mm
  • +hhmm
  • -hhmm
  • +hh:mm:ss
  • -hh:mm:ss
  • +hhmmss
  • -hhmmss

I wrongly thougt that

'Z' AND IDs starting with '+' or '-'

meant that you always needed a Z prefix (to compose something like Z+02:00 ). I think OR would be more appropriate.

2) What's the [needed] combination of String and ZoneOffset object?

No combination needed, you can either use a string or a ZoneOffset object:

    ZoneId z;
    z = ZoneId.of("+02:00"); 
    z = ZoneId.of(ZoneOffset.of("+02:00").getId());

Combine the "UTC" and ZoneOffset object to get your ZoneId

ZoneId z = ZoneId.ofOffset("UTC",ZoneOffset.UTC);

For better explanation visit this link http://www.java2s.com/Tutorials/Java/java.time/ZoneId/2180__ZoneId.ofOffset_String_prefix_ZoneOffset_offset_.htm

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