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Getting data from a web service using AngularJs. Am I doing it in the correct way?

I am using following codes to get data from a webservice.

I want to know that it is a correct way ,Is there any other better way to do this and also how can i handle the error.?

My factory object to get dada from a services

.factory('userSubCat', function($http,$rootScope) {

return {
    getSubs: function(){
  return $http.post('http://xxxx.com/demo/app-api/subcategory.php', {"categoryId":$rootScope.catIdSelected}).then(function(response){
          return response;

I have included the following code to show the loading icon

$scope.loadingIndicator = $ionicLoading.show({
    content: 'Loading Data',
    animation: 'fade-in',
    showBackdrop: false,
    maxWidth: 200,
    showDelay: 500

I am consuming the data as mentioned below


             $scope.playlists =data.data.subcategoryList;



I want to know that it is a correct way ,Is there any other better way to do this and also how can i handle the error?

Regarding your first question: Please edit your code and clarify where and how you call the function userSubCat.getSubs().

Regarding your second question: To get aware of errors when using $http use the following signature:

$http.post('/someUrl', data, config).then(successCallback, errorCallback);

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