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How to Slide pages automatically in ViewPager Android

I have 4 images in ViewPager and I want to slide all these images one by one And after 4th images, I want to show the 1st image.following code shows the automatic slide page,but stop after 4th image.

            switchtimer= new Timer();
            switchtimer.schedule(new TimerTask() {

                public void run() {
                    Log.v("TimerMtd", "Timer call");
            }, 1500,3000);
    Handler handler = new Handler();

    Runnable Update = new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            if(currentpage > 2){
                currentpage = 0;
                Log.v("TimerMtd", currentpage+"cutrrentpage =");


I have made some methods to do the same, got refrence from one of the SO answer but not remembering that right now, below is the code i am using :

Timer timer;
int page = 0;

public void pageSwitcher(int seconds) {
    timer = new Timer(); // At this line a new Thread will be created
    timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new RemindTask(), 0, seconds * 1000); // delay
    // in
    // milliseconds

// this is an inner class...
class RemindTask extends TimerTask {

    public void run() {

        // As the TimerTask run on a seprate thread from UI thread we have
        // to call runOnUiThread to do work on UI thread.
        runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {

                if (page > 5) { // In my case the number of pages are 5
                    page = 0;
                } else {


and in onCreate() i call this method like this

 pageSwitcher(3); // Here "3" is delay in seconds

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