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Is there a way in Haskell to check whether a module exports the same functions as an other one?

I have some specs (written with HSpec) and would like to have a test that checks whether the re-exporting of some functions takes place as intended.



If I go into this file, I can run all tests with either import if I manually switch whether line 4 or 5 is commented out. Is there a simple way to have an automated specification that ensures that both modules export the same functions?

The first thing I thought of is to import one of the modules qualified, and check for equality:

(($>) == (ComposeLTR.$>)) `shouldBe` True
-- Or more succintly
($>) `shouldBe` (ComposeLTR.$>)

But that won't work since functions are not directly comparable, they are not part of the Eq type class.

The only thing I can think of that would work automatically is to import qualified and to define QuickCheck properties for all 4 functions like so:

import qualified ComposeLTR

it "should re-export the same function" $ do
    prop :: (Fun Int Int) -> Int -> Bool
    prop (Fun _ f) g = (g $> f) == (g ComposeLTR.$> f)
  property prop

-- ... Essentially repeated 3 more times

But that seems awfully long-handed and redundant. Is there an elegant way to check this?

You can use StableName s in IO:

Prelude Data.List System.Mem.StableName> v  <- makeStableName   Prelude.takeWhile
Prelude Data.List System.Mem.StableName> v' <- makeStableName Data.List.takeWhile
Prelude Data.List System.Mem.StableName> v == v'

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