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SignalR with Client Certificate Authentication

I have service hosted on IIS that uses SignalR to establish a persistent connection with a client.

I am attempting to implement client certificate authentication so that the server can verify that the client is a valid client based on the certificate they send. I am using Signalr's PersistentConnection.

Client: I create a Connection object, and i create a X.509 certificate which i add to the connection through:

var connection = new Connection("localhost:8060/TheService/connect");

When the client attempts to connect, I want to verify that the certificate that it provides is a valid certificate. So on the server side I override the AuthorizeRequest() method in SignalR's PersistentConnection:

    public class MyConnection : PersistentConnection
        protected override Task OnReceived(IRequest request, string connectionId, string data)
            return Connection.Broadcast("Server Received: " + data);

        protected override bool AuthorizeRequest(IRequest request)
            INameValueCollection headers = request.Headers;

            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> entry in headers)
                Console.WriteLine("Key: {0}, Value: {1}", entry.Key, entry.Value);

            return true; 

My question is: how do I retrieve the client certificate in the AuthorizeRequest method? I need SignalR to somehow gain access to the certificate so that I can verify it AuthorizeRequest and then either return false (bad cert), or return true (valid cert).


You should be able to get the certificate from the request you get as parameter. HttpClientCertificate cert = request.GetHttpContext().Request.ClientCertificate;

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