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How to get COM port using 32feet in c#?

How do I get COM port where my mobile device connected through a bluetooth stick? I can already get the name of the device eg. 'Nokia C2-01' with device.DeviceName using the 32feet library but how can I make it look like this? "Nokia c2-01 connected through COM7" ?

First, you will need to get the device address using:

string comPort = GetBluetoothPort(device.DeviceAddress.ToString());
     // enter desired output here

The GetBluetoothPort() method will look something like this:

using System.Management;
private string GetBluetoothPort(string deviceAddress)
        const string Win32_SerialPort = "Win32_SerialPort";
        SelectQuery q = new SelectQuery(Win32_SerialPort);
        ManagementObjectSearcher s = new ManagementObjectSearcher(q);
        foreach (object cur in s.Get())
            ManagementObject mo = (ManagementObject)cur;
            string pnpId = mo.GetPropertyValue("PNPDeviceID").ToString();

            if (pnpId.Contains(deviceAddress))
                object captionObject = mo.GetPropertyValue("Caption");
                string caption = captionObject.ToString();
                int index = caption.LastIndexOf("(COM");
                if (index > 0)
                    string portString = caption.Substring(index);
                    string comPort = portString.
                                  Replace("(", string.Empty).Replace(")", string.Empty);
                    return comPort;
        return null;

This will return the port name ie COM7

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