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Injecting stateful bean into stateless

I have read that @Stateful bean (SFSB) should be never injected into @Stateless bean (SLSB). But what is the correct way to achieve the following?

public class FirstEJB
    private SecondEJB second;

    public void businessMethod()

There is some state that should be persisted between second.businessMethod1() and second.businessMethod2() , so SecondEJB can't be stateless. There is also no easy way to merge businessMethod1() and businessMethod2() methods into single one, because SecondEJB can have more than 2 business methods and they can be called in defferent combinations.

Actually I have tried to make SecondEJB stateful and it seems to work, but it leads to memory leak. There is no SecondEJB methods marked with @Remove annotation, but I have tried @StatefulTimeout with no luck: a lot of SecondEJB instances created and not removed. Can someone explain why it leaks?

Just don't use injection. You can use JNDI lookup of the bean at the moment your buisnessMethod is called and SecondEJB instance will be method scoped variable instantiated on every method call.

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