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Docker - var/lib/docker/layers folder content

What does exactly var/lib/docker/layers contains? I found, that:

Infomation about docker layer

I have checked out and in it is a file for every container, which contains several characters or empty. I haven't found any logic in content.

If you are referring to /var/lib/docker/aufs/layers . This contains the layers for the images created on your system with docker pull or build .

ex: I have the following image built on my host.

$ docker images 
REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             VIRTUAL SIZE
devbox              1.0                 d17a89ba7b49        46 hours ago        717.5 MB

Now find the layers associated with image:

ls /var/lib/docker/aufs/layers -lh | grep d17a89ba7b49
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2.6K Oct  7 14:43 d17a89ba7b49d534c0e9f4d24ddf70f490f16b2548e874961a7ef42a93376f2d

cat /var/lib/docker/aufs/layers/d17a89ba7b49d534c0e9f4d24ddf70f490f16b2548e874961a7ef42a93376f2d


Note: there are other commands like docker history with are better understandable output.

Note: Its best to understand the layers using tools available rather than jumping into the FS. If the built images are pushed on to docker hub , you can get a pictorial view the image layers along with finer details on each layers, including the command that was run to create the layer and the size of the layer added etc.

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