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How to use Sitecore Solr Custom Index

Could someone please help me understand below?

  1. Do we need to specify the name of the index in code when using a Sitecore solr search?

  2. If we make the new custom index called 'sitecore_web-index_custom'. How do we make sure we are using this index in code?

Thank you.

In order to get Sitecore index, use GetIndex method from the ContentSearchManager class:


You can either pass index name:

// get Sitecore built in index for current database:
string dbName = (Sitecore.Context.ContentDatabase ?? Sitecore.Context.Database).Name;
var index = Sitecore.ContentSearch.ContentSearchManager.GetIndex("sitecore_" + dbName + "_index");

// get custom index

or Sitecore Item:

// get index by Sitecore item 

In the second scenario, Sitecore will try to find the index in which the item is indexed.

There is no difference between getting Solr or Lucene indexes - Sitecore API is transparent here.

More information about Sitecore search and indexing can be found in

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