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ReactiveUI: R/W properties vs. Output Properties

I have a "Close" button and an Expander linked in my MVVM view like so:

this.BindCommand(ViewModel, vm => vm.CloseResults, v => v.CloseButton);
this.OneWayBind(ViewModel, vm => vm.HasExecuted, v => v.Panel.IsExpanded);

If the user clicks on the button, the expander should be collapsed. In the view model, I have a ReactiveCommand that should take care of this:

public ReactiveCommand<object> CloseResults { get; protected set; } =

In the view model, HasExecuted is an Output Property that is supposed to expand/collapse the expander depending on its value:

private readonly ObservableAsPropertyHelper<bool> _hasExecuted;
public bool HasExecuted => _hasExecuted.Value;

So to hook up the command with the button, I'm binding HasExecuted to the command like so:

CloseResults.Select(_ => false).ToProperty(this, vm => vm.HasExecuted, out _hasExecuted);

This doesn't seem to do anything. However, if I use a read-write property instead and hook it up like this:

CloseResults.Subscribe(_ => { HasExecuted = false; });

it works perfectly. Can anyone explain why the Output Property doesn't work in this case? Isn't the ToProperty extension supposed to subscribe to the IOberservable<bool> that Select(_ => false) is returning?

I'm still in the middle of getting the hang of all this, so there's probably something obvious I'm missing.

Output properties are meant to reflect the state of other properties or observables. It's basically a little formula you write that gives a property as an output. You aren't meant to set them directly. See the docs for this .

CloseResults.Select(_ => false) .ToProperty(this, vm => vm.HasExecuted, out _hasExecuted);

^ This is saying "No matter what CloseResults it giving as an output, return an Observable that always returns false"

CloseResults.Select(_ => false). ToProperty(this, vm => vm.HasExecuted, out _hasExecuted);

^ This is saying "Take that always-false Observable and turn it into the HasExecuted output property."

Your read/write property is more suited to what you're trying to do here.

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