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ASP.Net MVC Using AddModelError with multiple ValidationSummary for querystring validation

I have a view with two forms each containing their own


When the page is loaded, a querystring parameter is checked and if it exists I call:

ModelState.AddModelError("", "Querystring error");

However, this results in the error message appearing in both @Html.ValidationSummary() even if I specify a property in the form model.

I have a work around which is to have a seperate error message property in the model for the form and populate that and then display it if it exists in a label, but wondered if it is possible to specify one individual @Html.ValidationSummary() within a form to allow me to use ModelState.AddModelError ?

Following the helpful information I was given by @GSerg, I thought I'd share my resolution.

So instead of having two forms within the same view, I split each form into two separate partial views and called each from within the main view...


Each partial view would contain the model to pass to it and a Html.BeginForm with a Html.ValidationSummary() inside.

Then within the Controller, set up the code to return the view as normal (in this case for the Index view)...

public ActionResult Index()
     return View();

Then for the partial views, set up a PartialViewResult for each partial view annotated with ChildActionOnly ...

public PartialViewResult _RequestPartial()
      ... code that populates model you want to pass ...

      return PartialView(model);

public PartialViewResult _LoginPartial()
      ... code that populates model you want to pass ...

      return PartialView(model);

Hope this helps someone.

To show the specific validation message, please see the snippet code below. Controller :

        public ActionResult Index()
            ModelState.AddModelError("Error1", "Querystring error");
            return View(new SampleViewModel());

View :


Just tried to create a fiddle to get a complete picture. https://dotnetfiddle.net/GoMMhy

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