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Submit form on go button click in android keyboard

<form name="$root.deliveryDetails" action="#" ng-submit="ProceedForDelivery()">
            <div ng-if="!askFor" class="paddingOnSides">
                    <input type="number" name="usermobileNumber" ng-model="formData.userEnteredMobileNumber"  id="rounded" ng-minlength="10" ng-maxlength="10" ng-required="true" ng-pattern="/^\d{10}$/"  class="field" placeholder="Mobile Number:" ng-class="{LightText: contactDetails.mobileNumber.$pristine}"/>                                                            
                <span class="error-message" ng-if="deliveryDetails.usermobileNumber.$dirty&& deliveryDetails.usermobileNumber.$invalid"> Please enter a 10 digit Mobile number</span>                  
                    <span ng-disabled="deliveryDetails.$invalid" class="button button-positive button-block Centralize" ng-click="checkRegisteredUsers()"><span class="loginbuttonMargins">Verify</span><i class="ion-log-in"></i></span>
        <input type="submit" style="position: absolute; left: -9999px; width: 1px; height: 1px;"/>

I am using Ionic and have added ng-submit as well as input type submit to the form , yet this form does not submit when Go button on keyboard is pressed.

Note: It redirects to default state the first time however, it works just fine in subsequent times. What could be the issue?

I had similar issue on click of a custom button (not from keyboard) and it fixes as soon as I changed it to tag from tag or may be change tag to

But what could be problem with keyboard click?

Because your input is a 'number' input, android for some reason changes the input to 'Next' instead of 'Go' and doesn't trigger the submit issue.

I had the same issue and fixed by adding a second, hidden input and attaching onfocus="$('#thisForm').submit();" to it. You can also hide this input with style="position: absolute; left: -9999px; width: 1px; height: 1px;" .

This isn't an ideal solution, but it does the trick on Android and iOS. Not sure why its so messed up by default on these keyboards.

Apparently, the problem is with the


So If you remove that, then it should work.

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