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iOS : App get stuck on Splash screen

I have tried everything regarding app clean up, project clean xcode quit and all related stuff but still same issue.

I have check everything window also have rootViewController and everything is assigned.

After updating to xcode 12, I faced this issue. xcode hangs while attaching debugger to ios process. Deleting the contents of ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS DeviceSupport worked for me. ( https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/123068?answerId=420683022#420683022 )

Check your root view controller design in storyboard, I also got this issue, In my loginview controller by mistake I have pests/ duplicate UIView into stack view with constraints. So removed duplicate UIView.

Try to restart your Mac! 😉

As Uma Madhavi said , your Mac may have installed some automatic updates. Restarting it fixed the problem for me

In Swift 4.2, xCode 11.5 and simulator version 13.5

Restart or Erase All Content and Settings on the simulator you are using, then try running again. This works for me

Hope you can help :)

Old topic but I just got it and have been searching for two days trying everything without success so far.

What finally worked for me:

  • close Xcode
  • going into the finder
  • go to the list of applications
  • select XCode and do Cmd + i
  • uncheck the box "Open with rosetta".
  • open Xcode and do a clean (cmd + shift + k)

And finally the application has passed the stage of the infinite launch screen

I removed Device Support folder and re-open Xcode.

rm -r ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS\ DeviceSupport

In my case, because Reveal load breakpoint, following Reveal document steps, it works for me. ps: my Reveal version still 26, not upgrade to 38

Reveal document: https://support.revealapp.com/hc/en-us/articles/4403215920793-My-app-is-hanging-on-launch-under-Xcode-13-and-iOS-tvOS-15

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