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JavaScript Calculator issue with clear button

I made a calculator using javaScript and it works except for the clear button.

I want the screen to go blank after it is pressed, but for some reason the screen just reads 'Clear'.

I assumed this statement would clear the space after the button was pressed.... but alas it does not appear to do anything.

if(buttonValues == 'Clear') {
   input.innerHTML = '';
   onlyDecimal = false;

Here is my calculator online http://calculator.noahalexfarr.com/calculator.html

Here is my full code. Thank you for your time!

 <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Calculator</title> <meta charset="utf-8"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/style.css"> <script src="js/prefixfree.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="js/jquery-1.11.3.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> </head> <body> <div id="calculator"> <div class="the_head"> <span class="clear">Clear</span> <div class="input_field"></div> </div> <div class="buttons"> <span>1</span> <span>2</span> <span>3</span> <span>4</span> <span>5</span> <span>6</span> <span>7</span> <span>8</span> <span>9</span> <span>0</span> <span>.</span> <span class="eval">=</span> <span class="mathSymbols">+</span> <span class="mathSymbols">-</span> <span class="mathSymbols">*</span> <span class="mathSymbols">/</span> </div> </div> <script> //select calculators buttons var buttons = document.querySelectorAll('#calculator span'); var mathSymbols = ['+', '-', '*', '/']; var onlyDecimal = false; // click events for all buttons and functions for (var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) { buttons[i].onclick = function(e) { console.log('you clicked a button'); //gets input values var input = document.querySelector('.input_field'); var inputValues = input.innerHTML; var buttonValues = this.innerHTML; //this will refer to button Values //the clear button.....clears the calculator if (buttonValues == 'Clear') { input.innerHTML = ''; onlyDecimal = false; } //equals button, the result will be displayed in the input field if (buttonValues == '=') { var equals = inputValues; var lastSymbol = equals[equals.length - 1]; //check the last button pressed to ensure it was not a decimal or math symbol. if (mathSymbols.indexOf(lastSymbol) > -1 || lastSymbol == '.') equals = equals.replace(/.$/, ''); if (equals) input.innerHTML = eval(equals); onlyDecimal = false; } //math symbols are clicked else if (mathSymbols.indexOf(buttonValues) > -1) { //math symbols are clicked //get the last symbol pressed var lastSymbol = inputValues[inputValues - 1]; //only use a math symbol if the input field is NOT empty if (inputValues != '' && mathSymbols.indexOf(lastSymbol) == -1) { input.innerHTML += buttonValues; } //minus can be used if empty else if (inputValues == '' && buttonValues == '-') input.innerHTML += buttonValues; // Replaces the last math function pressed with the newly pressed function if (mathSymbols.indexOf(lastSymbol) > -1 && inputValues.length > 1) { input.innerHTML = inputValues.replace(/.$/, buttonValues); //$ is the end of the string, any math function used will be replaced } onlyDecimal = false; } // this will sure only one decimal is used so the user cannot enter something like else if (buttonValues == '.') { if (!onlyDecimal) { input.innerHTML += buttonValues; onlyDecimal = true; } } //basic button functions else { input.innerHTML += buttonValues; } } } </script> </body> </html> 

You'll want to set the value of the input instead of the inner html.

 <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Calculator</title> <meta charset="utf-8"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/style.css"> <script src="js/prefixfree.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="js/jquery-1.11.3.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> </head> <body> <div id="calculator"> <div class="the_head"> <span class="clear">Clear</span> <div class="input_field"></div> </div> <div class="buttons"> <span>1</span> <span>2</span> <span>3</span> <span>4</span> <span>5</span> <span>6</span> <span>7</span> <span>8</span> <span>9</span> <span>0</span> <span>.</span> <span class="eval">=</span> <span class="mathSymbols">+</span> <span class="mathSymbols">-</span> <span class="mathSymbols">*</span> <span class="mathSymbols">/</span> </div> </div> <script> //select calculators buttons var buttons = document.querySelectorAll('#calculator span'); var mathSymbols = ['+', '-', '*', '/']; var onlyDecimal = false; // click events for all buttons and functions for (var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) { buttons[i].onclick = function(e) { console.log('you clicked a button'); //gets input values var input = document.querySelector('.input_field'); var inputValues = input.innerHTML; var buttonValues = this.innerHTML; //this will refer to button Values //the clear button.....clears the calculator if (buttonValues == 'Clear') { input.val(''); onlyDecimal = false; } //equals button, the result will be displayed in the input field if (buttonValues == '=') { var equals = inputValues; var lastSymbol = equals[equals.length - 1]; //check the last button pressed to ensure it was not a decimal or math symbol. if (mathSymbols.indexOf(lastSymbol) > -1 || lastSymbol == '.') equals = equals.replace(/.$/, ''); if (equals) input.innerHTML = eval(equals); onlyDecimal = false; } //math symbols are clicked else if (mathSymbols.indexOf(buttonValues) > -1) { //math symbols are clicked //get the last symbol pressed var lastSymbol = inputValues[inputValues - 1]; //only use a math symbol if the input field is NOT empty if (inputValues != '' && mathSymbols.indexOf(lastSymbol) == -1) { input.innerHTML += buttonValues; } //minus can be used if empty else if (inputValues == '' && buttonValues == '-') input.innerHTML += buttonValues; // Replaces the last math function pressed with the newly pressed function if (mathSymbols.indexOf(lastSymbol) > -1 && inputValues.length > 1) { input.innerHTML = inputValues.replace(/.$/, buttonValues); //$ is the end of the string, any math function used will be replaced } onlyDecimal = false; } // this will sure only one decimal is used so the user cannot enter something like else if (buttonValues == '.') { if (!onlyDecimal) { input.innerHTML += buttonValues; onlyDecimal = true; } } //basic button functions else { input.innerHTML += buttonValues; } } } </script> </body> </html> 

I think you're missing an else if . The problem is that it still hits the else block at the end ( input.innerHTML += buttonValues; ) to append the value.

I think your code should read:

if (buttonValues == 'Clear') {
    input.innerHTML = '';
    onlyDecimal = false;
} else if (buttonValues == '=') {
// .......

Add return; after clearing. As in,

if (buttonValues == 'Clear') {
    input.innerHTML = "";
    onlyDecimal = false;
    // do not continue making decisions, clear the box and exit

( Updated to make code shown above match code running below)

See running code below:

 <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Calculator</title> <meta charset="utf-8"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/style.css"> <script src="js/prefixfree.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="js/jquery-1.11.3.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> </head> <body> <div id="calculator"> <div class="the_head"> <span class="clear">Clear</span> <div class="input_field"></div> </div> <div class="buttons"> <span>1</span> <span>2</span> <span>3</span> <span>4</span> <span>5</span> <span>6</span> <span>7</span> <span>8</span> <span>9</span> <span>0</span> <span>.</span> <span class="eval">=</span> <span class="mathSymbols">+</span> <span class="mathSymbols">-</span> <span class="mathSymbols">*</span> <span class="mathSymbols">/</span> </div> </div> <script> //select calculators buttons var buttons = document.querySelectorAll('#calculator span'); var mathSymbols = ['+', '-', '*', '/']; var onlyDecimal = false; // click events for all buttons and functions for (var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) { buttons[i].onclick = function(e) { console.log('you clicked a button'); //gets input values var input = document.querySelector('.input_field'); var inputValues = input.innerHTML; var buttonValues = this.innerHTML; //this will refer to button Values //the clear button.....clears the calculator if (buttonValues === 'Clear') { input.innerHTML = ""; onlyDecimal = false; return; } //equals button, the result will be displayed in the input field if (buttonValues == '=') { var equals = inputValues; var lastSymbol = equals[equals.length - 1]; //check the last button pressed to ensure it was not a decimal or math symbol. if (mathSymbols.indexOf(lastSymbol) > -1 || lastSymbol == '.') equals = equals.replace(/.$/, ''); if (equals) input.innerHTML = eval(equals); onlyDecimal = false; } //math symbols are clicked else if (mathSymbols.indexOf(buttonValues) > -1) { //math symbols are clicked //get the last symbol pressed var lastSymbol = inputValues[inputValues - 1]; //only use a math symbol if the input field is NOT empty if (inputValues != '' && mathSymbols.indexOf(lastSymbol) == -1) { input.innerHTML += buttonValues; } //minus can be used if empty else if (inputValues == '' && buttonValues == '-') input.innerHTML += buttonValues; // Replaces the last math function pressed with the newly pressed function if (mathSymbols.indexOf(lastSymbol) > -1 && inputValues.length > 1) { input.innerHTML = inputValues.replace(/.$/, buttonValues); //$ is the end of the string, any math function used will be replaced } onlyDecimal = false; } // this will sure only one decimal is used so the user cannot enter something like else if (buttonValues == '.') { if (!onlyDecimal) { input.innerHTML += buttonValues; onlyDecimal = true; } } //basic button functions else { input.innerHTML += buttonValues; } } } </script> </body> </html> 

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