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Ruby TCPSocket request not getting response

I have been reading up on TCPSockets over at TutorialsPoint and I need a simple client to make requests but I do not confused why there is no response.

Website API Login

The login command accepts a JSON object as argument followed by the EOT character for a response.

From the website's API

This is what I have

def connect
    url = "someurl.com"
    port = 19534 
    loginRequest = 'login {"protocol":1,"client":"testruby","clientver":0.1}' +"\04"

    s = TCPSocket.open(url,port)

    while line = s.gets
        puts line.chop
puts "end"

My attempts

1) I run the ruby code in terminal but my connection to the server is immediately closed.

I'm totally clueless and would appreciate some directions on this.

It seems that the server is using raw TCP/IP, using the 0x04 character to signify an "End of Message".

Your code seems to prefer blocking IO (although it probably wouldn't be my first choice), so allow me to suggest a blocking API adjustment:

require 'socket'

module VNDB

   def send_message message
      raise "Not connected" unless @s
      @s.write (message + "\x04")

   def get_message
      raise "Not connected" unless @s
      message = ''
      message << @s.getc until message[-1] == "\x04"

   def connect
       url = "someurl.com"
       port = 19534 
       loginRequest = 'login {"protocol":1,"client":"testruby","clientver":0.1}' +"\04"

       @s = TCPSocket.open(url,port)

       send_message loginRequest
       puts get_message
       puts "end"
       @s = nil
   extend self



  1. I couldn't test the code, because "someurl.com" isn't really the address, I guess.

  2. The database server is NOT using Websockets (which is a name of a protocol), so please consider editing your question and removing that tag.

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