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Parsing response from TCPSocket

I'm attempting to create a ruby script that uses a TCPSocket to communicate w/ a Minecraft server and return the name, current number of players, and the maximum number of players. So far I have the following code

require 'socket'

class MinecraftServer
  def self.ping(ip, port = 25565)
    server = TCPSocket.new ip, port

    server.write "\xfe"

    response = []
    while line = server.gets
      response << line


    response = response.join


puts MinecraftServer.ping('xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx')

This gives me something back like A Minecraft Server 0 20 . This gives me back all of the information but in a sring when what I would like is a hash. How do I get rid of the odd characters and put the information into a Hash?

Here's an example of ruby code that does exactly this:


It's linked from this page that describes what the protocol is:


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