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How to add to ArrayList in a For loop

I have a sequence of information being randomly generated. I would like to save that information in a variable of some kind so that it can be recalled elsewhere. i think I want to use an ArrayList, but I'm not sure how to add the information while inside a for loop (which is where it is being created). The code I have is as follows:

public static ArrayList<String> phoneList

public static void main(String[] args){

    Random randomNumber = new Random();
    int howMany = randomNumber.nextInt(11);;
    String holding; 

    for (int i=0; i < howMany; i++){
        int itemRandNum = randomNumber.nextInt(11);//for all Item Categories
        int priceRandNum = randomNumber.nextInt(11);//Prices for all categories
        holding = phones[itemRandNum]+" $"+ priceOfPhones[priceRandNum]; 

        phoneList.add("holding"); //here is where I would like to add the information 
                                //contained in "holding" to the "phoneList" ArrayList.



I am getting a NullPointerException. If an ArrayList is not the best thing to use here, what would be?

Any help you can give is appreciated.

You get a NullPointerException because ArrayList phoneList is null since you didn't initialize it. Therefore write

public static ArrayList<String> phoneList = new ArrayList<>();

public static void String Main(String[] args) suggests this doesn't have much to do with Android.

First, instantiate the list (Outside your for loop):

phoneList = new ArrayList<>(howMany); //Adding "howMany" is optional. It just sets the List's initial size.

Then, add the values:

for (int i = 0; i < howMany; i++) {
    //Don't place holding in quotation marks, else you'll just add "holding" for every entry!

As it is you are just declaring the class ArrayList not instantiating it. it is necessary for all the time you want to use a class to create an instance of the same class and thats simple, just do: public static ArrayList phoneList = new ArrayList() (if you are running older versions of java), otherwise use public static ArrayList phoneList = new ArrayList<>().

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