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Swift: find the index of a value in an array of classes and filter the array

I have a class defined as follows:

class placeData: Equatable {
var description : String
var selected : Bool

init (description : String, selected : Bool) {
    self.description = description
    self.selected = selected

I then define an array as follows:

var placeDataArray = Array<placeData>()

And populate it with some items:

placeDataArray = [placeData(description: "Afghanistan", selected: false), placeData(description: "Albania", selected: false)]

What I am looking to do is get the index of a description such as "Afghanistan" and then change selected to true from false . indexOf and find methods don't seem to work, unless I am using them incorrectly.

I am also trying to filter the placeDataArray for true so that all of the descriptions with true values will appear in the variable I set. However, I am going about this the wrong way as well. I am fairly new to swift and can't seem to figure these out. Also, the array changes with user input hence the indexing and filtering.

Thanks in advance

I think the easiest way is this:

if let index = placeDataArray.indexOf ({ $0.description == "Afghanistan" })
    placeDataArray[index].selected = true

It does not require Equatable.

Similarly, you can use filter to show only selected items:

let selected = placeDataArray.filter { $0.selected == true }

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