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How to store a user id using service worker

Is there a way to store a user id and potentially other information with service worker?

So that when you send a push notification to it, it is able to use that locally stored information and do something with it?

I tried to use localStorage, but it doesn't seem to recognise it.

As I got this error:

Uncaught ReferenceError: localStorage is not defined

Local storage is not available in Service Workers because it does not have an asynchronous API . Service workers are designed to be fully async, so no synchronous APIs are available in a Service Worker context. You can use IndexedDB instead, although unfortunately it has a much clumsier API.

Wanted to accomplish the same thing recently. IndexedDB just seemed so heavy for just passing the UID. But then I realized you can pass a UID through query params in the service worker url path...

navigator.serviceWorker.register(`/public/js/lib/service-worker.js?uid=${window.uid}`).then((reg) => {

...then just access it by parsing location inside the service worker.

PARAMS en la llamda JS del servicio y recuperar el valor en self.location.search en service worker.


window.my_user_id = 16;



en el Service Worker, self.location.search contendra el valor: ?uid=16

Save Subscription Server:

if (self.location.search !== undefined) {
    body.params = self.location.search.substring(1);  // my_user_id=16        
var fetchdata = {
        method: 'post',
        headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
        body: JSON.stringify(body),
var response = await fetch(strSubscriberURL, fetchdata);
return await response.json();

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