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Ubuntu 14.04 terminal corrupt

In my Ubuntu terminal, somehow my terminal system name has been mounted to the root directory. Anyway, my terminal is displaying this:


Instead of


Now i cannot even see my home files and directories. How can i fix this?

You can verify what is defined setting for your shell prompt. What is the output of following command?

  • pwd
  • echo $PS1
  • echo $PS2
  • echo $PS3

Then cross check that the path between current path and your shell prompt.


Based on the updated question, it seems pwd is at root folder / , and $PS1 is set to ${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\\u@\\h:\\w\\$

You may also want to check if your ~/.bash_profile , ~/.profile , ~/.bashrc are correct. To do so read for the order in which these files are read by bash ( see man bash for FILES section ).

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