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Mongo Search for Month and Day Only

I would like to be able to do a Mongo search for all records matching the day and month, but not the year. For instance, given a record set like the following:

    "lastName" : "a",
    "date" : ISODate("1983-05-29T09:32:11.888Z"),
}, {
    "lastName" : "b",
    "date" : ISODate("1959-05-29T09:32:11.888Z"),
}, {
    "lastName" : "c",
    "date" : ISODate("1983-06-29T09:32:11.888Z"),

I would like a and b to be returned when passing in some form of 05/29

You could use the $where condition

 db.collection.find({$where : function() { return this.date.getMonth() == month && this.date.getDate() == day} })

You should replace the variables 'month' and 'day' with the actual values you want to use.

Try with below aggregation query. Please look at $dayOfMonth and $month for more details.

 { "$project": {    
      "lastName": 1,      
      "day": { "$dayOfMonth":"$date" }  
 { "$match":{           
      "month": 5,       
      "day": 29 

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