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Conversion of Matlab sparse to Python scipy csr_matrix

I am new to both Matlab and Python and am converting some Matlab codes to it's Python equivalent. The issue I am facing is with converting from sparse(i,j,v,m,n) to csr_matrix((data, (row_ind, col_ind)), [shape=(M, N)]) .

In this code, i, j and row_in, col_ind will be passed with an index array - idx of size(124416, 1), while v and data will be passed with a 2D array - D22 of size(290, 434)


H = 288;
W = 432;
N = (H+2)*(W+2);
mask = zeros(H+2, W+2);
mask(2:end-1, 2:end-1) = 1;

idx = find(mask==1);
>>>idx = [292, ..., 579, 582 ..., 869, ... , 125282, ..., 125569]

A = sparse(idx, idx+1, -D22(idx), N, N);
B = sparse(idx, idx-1, -D22(idx), N, N);
C = sparse(idx, idx+H+2, -D22(idx-1), N, N);
D = sparse(idx, idx-H-2, -D22(idx-1), N, N);

spy(A) first entry is m(293, 292) - (idx,idx+1) , which was what I expected.

spy(B) m(292, 293) - (idx,idx-1). I was expecting it to be m(291, 292), believing that idx-1 would return an array [291, ..., 578, 581 ..., 868, ... , 125281, ..., 125568]

spy(C) - m(582, 292) - (idx,idx+H+2)

spy(D) - m(292, 582) - (idx,idx-H-2)

Hence, given that was how I understood the indexing order, I translated the code into Python in this form


H = 288
W = 432
N = (H+2) * (W+2)
mask = np.zeros([H+2, W+2])
mask[1:-1,1:-1] = 1

idx = np.nonzero(mask.transpose() == 1)                                 
idx = np.vstack((idx[1], idx[0]))                                        
idx = np.ravel_multi_index(idx, ((H+2),(W+2)), order='F').copy()     # Linear Indexing as per Matlab
>>> idx
array([291, ..., 578, 581 ..., 868, ... , 125281, ..., 125568])

idx_ = np.unravel_index(idx, ((H+2),(W+2)), order='F')               # *** Back to Linear Indexing
idx_ = np.column_stack((idx_[0], idx_[1]))                           # *** combine tuple of 2 arrays
idx_H_2 = np.unravel_index(idx-H-2, ((H+2),(W+2)), order='F')
idx_H_2 = np.column_stack((idx_H_2[0], idx_H_2[1]))

A = sp.csr_matrix((-D22[idx_[:,0], idx_[:,1]], (idx+1,idx)), shape = (N,N))
B = sp.csr_matrix((-D22[idx_[:,0], idx_[:,1]], (idx-1,idx)), shape = (N,N))
C = sp.csr_matrix((-D11[idx_[:,0], idx_[:,1]], (idx+H+2,idx)), shape = (N,N)) 
D = sp.csr_matrix((-D11[idx_H_2[:,0], idx_H_2[:,1]], (idx-H-2,idx)), shape = (N,N)) 

For A, the first entry is p(292, 291) - (idx+1,idx) , and since Python starts from zero index, it refers to Matlab m(293, 292).

However for B, the first entry is p(290, 291) - (idx-1,idx) , which was what I had expected (the equivalent in Matlab should be m(291, 292) ), but as mentioned earlier the Matlab code returns (292, 293) instead.

C - p(581, 291) - (idx+H+2,idx)

D - p(1, 291) - (idx-H-2,idx)

Could anyone kindly explain what I might have understood incorrectly, and how should I revise my Python code to reflect the Matlab code more accurately.

Oh and just one more qns :)


A = A(idx,idx);


A = A[idx,:][:,idx]

Are the equivalent?

Thank you so much for your all kind help and time.

Seems fine to me, the only difference I can spot is:


A = sparse(idx, idx+1, -D22(idx), N, N);
B = sparse(idx, idx-1, -D22(idx), N, N);


A = sp.csr_matrix((-D22[idx_[:,0], idx_[:,1]], (idx+1,idx)), shape = (N,N))
B = sp.csr_matrix((-D22[idx_[:,0], idx_[:,1]], (idx,idx-1)), shape = (N,N))

Note that in Python for matrix B you change the index along the second dimension, whereas for matrix A you change along the first dimension.

This difference is not present in your Matlab code, whereas all other lines are "symmetric"

These lines are confusing:

py(A) first entry is m(293, 292) - (idx,idx+1), which was what I expected.

spy(B) m(292, 293) - (idx,idx-1). I was expecting it to be m(291, 292), believing that idx-1 would return an array [291, ..., 578, 581 ..., 868, ... , 125281, ..., 125568]

spy(C) - m(582, 292) - (idx,idx+H+2)

spy(D) - m(292, 582) - (idx,idx-H-2)

What is m(293,292) ? Why the reverse in coordinates? Is that because of how spy plots the axes? p(...) for numpy code is equally confusing. In my (smaller) samples, A , B etc all have nonzeros where I expect.

By the way, are there any zeros in D22(idx) ?

In any case, you've created 4 sparse matrices, with values along one diagonal or other, with periodic zero gaps.

A(idx, idx+1) has the same nonzero values as A , but contiguously on the main diagonal.

Condensed version of the numpy code is:

In [159]: idx=np.where(mask.ravel()==1)[0]
In [160]: A=sparse.csr_matrix((np.ones_like(idx),(idx,idx+1)),shape=(N,N))

I'm ignoring the F v C order, and the D22 array. If I had D22 matrix, I'd try to use D22.ravel[idx] (to match how I create and index mask ). I don't think those details matter when comparing the overall generation of the matrices and their indexing.

A.tocoo().row and A.tocoo().col is a handy way of seeing the row and column indexes of the nonzero elements. A.nonzero() does this as well (with virtually the same code).

Yes, A[idx,:][:,idx+1] produces the same submatrix.

A[idx, idx+1] gives a 1d vector of those diagonal values.

You need to transform the first index array into a 'column' vector to select a block (as the MATLAB version does):

A[np.ix_(idx,idx+1)]  # or with

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