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How to Update Two Tables using LINQ in ASP.NET MVC 4 Web Applications

I'm making Library Management System project in which I have a Deposit Controller which deposits the earlier issued books. Two tables are used:

  1. BooksData
  2. BookDepositIssue

BooksData has all book info with a BookStatus Flag which sets 'A' for Available and 'I' for Issued. BookDepositIssue has BookID which is common in both tables and IssueDate, DepositDate, and DueDate .

Now in my deposit controller I'm checking if the BookStatus flag is "I"; which means Issued. And also DueDate<= DateTime .Today so that no fine is incurred. But I'm unable to make the correct code pls help. As shown by the debugger var v is getting null, thus not going into the if condition. The database has issued books whose flag is "I" then why it is not executing the condition?

Controller part

    public ActionResult Deposit (BookDepositIssue deposit)
      if (ModelState.IsValid)
        using (LibraryEntities dc = new LibraryEntities())
            var v = dc.BooksDatas.Where(a=> a.BookStatus.Equals("I") && a.BookID.Equals(deposit.BookID) && deposit.DueDate<=DateTime.Today).FirstOrDefault();
                deposit.depositDate = DateTime.Today;

Model Part

      Model class 1:
      public partial class BookDepositIssue
      public int SequenceNo {get; set;}
      public string BookID {get; set;}
      public string ID {get; set;}
      public Nullable<System.DateTime> IssueDate {get; set;}
      public Nullable<System.DateTime> DueDate {get; set;}
      public Nullable<System.DateTime> DepositDate {get; set;}

     Model Class 2:
     public partial class BooksData
     public string BookID {get; set;}
     public BookName {get; set;}
     public BookGenre {get; set;}
     public BookStatus {get; set;}
     public Author {get; set;}

try this - assuming you have a navigation property between BookDepositIssue to 'BookDepositIssue' named bookData . if you don't have one, you should.

replace this part:

var v = dc.BooksDatas.Where(a=> a.BookStatus.Equals("I") && a.BookID.Equals(deposit.BookID) && deposit.DueDate<=DateTime.Today).FirstOrDefault();
                deposit.depositDate = DateTime.Today;

with this:

if(deposit.bookData.BookStatus == "I" && deposit.DueDate<=DateTime.Today){
    deposit.bookData.BookStatus = "A";
    deposit.depositDate = DateTime.Today;

let me know if that worked for you. if not please be specific on what is not working.

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