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WCF how to detect if client and server are in same server

I have a service with multiple endpoints. These endpoints get requests from clients, and from each other too.

For the methods that gets the request from the other endpoints I need to make sure that the method can only be invoked from within the server.

I already have an authentication filter interception mechanism. I can bind this functionality to those certain methods. What I cannot figure out is how can I tell the request made from the same server. Take a look at below code snippet that I use for authentication:

public class ServiceUser_Authenticator : IParameterInspector
    public object BeforeCall ( string operationName, object[] inputs )
        var ip = ( OperationContext.Current.IncomingMessageProperties[RemoteEndpointMessageProperty.Name] as RemoteEndpointMessageProperty ).Address;

        if ( ip != /* , localhost , RealIP of the server */ )
            throw new FaultException("Access denied");

        return null;

I am thinking to check if the ip of the client is same as mine, but don't know how. The RealIP(external) will probably work, but it better be a non-static value.

So, how can I check if the client of a wcf call is in the same server as wcf service?

In my humble opinion, the easiest and safest way to make some methods to be invoked only locally is to use NetNamedPipeBinding .

So I would take all the "local" methods and put them in a separate interface. And I would expose that interface with NetNamedPipeBinding .

You can expose different interfaces on the same service .
Each interface can have its own binding.

Edit 2 - code samples

In the two following samples, here is the service class exposing two interfaces

class ServiceHelloWorld : IPublicInterface, ILocalInterface

1. Many endpoints can be exposed through xml
These aren't the same interfaces. :

  <service name="HelloWorldService.ServiceHelloWorld">
    <endpoint address="net.tcp://localhost:7000/publicinterface" 
      binding="netTcpBinding" contract="IPublicInterface">
    <endpoint address="net.pipe://localhost:8000/privateinterface" 
      binding="netNamedBinding" contract="ILocalInterface">

2. Many endpoints can be exposed through code

These aren't the same interfaces no more.

ServiceHost host =
   new ServiceHost(typeof(ServiceHelloWorld), new Uri[] { });
   new NetTcpBinding(), "net.tcp://localhost:7000/publicinterface");
   new NetNamedPipeBinding(), "net.pipe://localhost:8000/privateinterface");


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