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Macos always change the command “TeX-view-program-list” into “”open %o" in emacs

In custom.el I set as follows.

'(TeX-source-correlate-method (quote synctex))
 '(TeX-source-correlate-mode t)
 '(TeX-source-correlate-start-server t)
 '(TeX-view-program-list (quote (("Okular" "okular --unique %o#src:%n%b"))))
 '(TeX-view-program-selection (quote ((output-pdf "Okular"))))

Also I aliased the okular in zsh. alias okular="/Applications/MacPorts/KDE4/okular.app/Contents/MacOS/okular"

But each time I want to view. The command becomes "open ......"

And I got to see the custom varible. It shows as follows 在此处输入图片说明

How can I deal with it? Thank you very much.

Update:2015-10-31 I find reason, I use bbatsov/prelude configuration. In his module,prelude-latex.el, he define the default viewer, so that I can't change. Now I comment it and everything's ok.

Are you sure custom.el is being loaded? Perhaps you set custom-file , but forgot to load it?

Also, I don't think that aliasing it will work, because Emacs is looking for an executable, but aliases are specific to the shell.

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