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CodeIgniter zip archive with exclude a folder

I'm trying to create full site backup but i want to exclude a folder from archive.

My directory:

/backups/      >>> I dont want to archive this folder because of nested archiving.

Tried following codes:


You can workout something like this, in which you will never have to manually enter the new directory you create


$data = array_diff(scandir(FCPATH), array('..', '.','backups'));
// 'backups' folder will be excluded here with '.' and '..'

foreach($data as $d) {

    $path = FCPATH.$d;

        $this->zip->read_dir($path, false);

        $this->zip->read_file($path, false);


My solution is a little manual that setting each root directories and files like following:


// Choose directory and files
$this->zip->read_dir(FCPATH.'application', false);
$this->zip->read_dir(FCPATH.'themes', false);
$this->zip->read_dir(FCPATH.'uploads', false);
$this->zip->read_file(FCPATH.'.htaccess', false);
$this->zip->read_file(FCPATH.'index.php', false);


Tested on CodeIgniter 3.x and Wamp Server

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