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Form validation not working with progressButton js

I've been working on this website with an animated submit button with a 3d built-in proggress bar:


For the submit button, I used this plugin:


Everything works beautifully, the loading bar runs smoothly and there are no problems with the form submission. The problem is the validation, which doesn't seem to work. The submit button ("Enviar") is a button tag. When I change it for an input tag, validation works, but the proggress bar doesnt, and vice-versa. I've tried reproducing the effect with an input tag, but it didn't work. So I tried to work on the form validation, which seemed more approachable. I've run quite a few solutions I found here on SO and on other websites regarding form validation with button tags, but I got pretty much the same result from all of them: when hitting the submit button, the error messages for empty fields are shown, but noe of them stops the progress bar animation and the form submission. I've also searched for queries related to Ladda.js, which is a similar plugin, but I can't find a way to validate the form and stop the animation and submission when necessary. I've checked the entire code (as a newbie), and tried many different solutions, but wasn't able to sort this matter, which is quite annoying. Any help or guidance on how to gou about with this would be much appreciated.

Below is the form:

   <form action="envia_mail_a2.php" method="POST">
      <div class="input-group">
         <label for="nome" class="hidden"></label>
         <input class="input-custom" type="text" placeholder="Nome"          name="edtNome" id="edtNome" required>

      <div class="input-group">
         <label for="email" class="hidden"></label>
         <input class="input-custom" type="text" placeholder="E-mail"     id="edtEmail" name="edtEmail" required>
      <div class="input-group">
         <label for="telefone" class="hidden"></label><input class="input-    custom" type="text" placeholder="Fone" id="edtTelefone" name="edtTelefone" required>

      <div class="input-group">
         <label for="mensagem" class="hidden"></label>
         <textarea class="input-custom expanding" placeholder="Mensagem"       rows="1" name="edtMensagem" id="edtMensagem"></textarea>

      <div class="input-group text-right">                
         <button type="submit" id="btnEnviar" name="btnEnviar" class="submit progress-button"  data-style="rotate-angle-bottom" data-perspective data-horizontal>Enviar</button>

And here the validation (original code, as it was when I took over the project, without my attempts):

            $(document).ready(function(e) {
            $("button#btnEnviar").click(function(e) {
                var nome = $("#edtNome").val();
                var mail = $("#edtEmail").val();
                var fone = $("#edtTelefone").val();
                var mensagem = $("#edtMensagem").val();

                    type: 'POST',
                    url: "envia_mail_a2.php",
                    //context: document.body,
                    //dataType: 'text',
                    data:       "nome="+nome+"&mail="+mail+"&fone="+fone+"&mensagem="+mensagem,

                    success: function(){
                        //alert('Enviado com sucesso')
                            }, 3000);
                        error: function () {
                            alert('Erro ao enviar');

Once again, thanks for all the attention

After looking at the code on the page, when calling new ProgressButton , there are two parameters passed to the constructor ... the button HTMLElement that will be turned into a progress button via the plugin, and a callback function that will determine what happens when the newly created progress button is clicked. Right now you have two click handlers on the progress button. One that is being passed into the new ProgressButton() call, and another one that you've pasted above that is created when the document is ready. The one being passed into the ProgressButton constructor is handling the animation of the button, and the additional click handler you've pasted above is taking care of validation. You need to move the validation code into the click handler that is being passed to the ProgressButton constructor so that the animation happens in-sync with validation. For instance, you could trigger the animation as the result of a success return from the validation service, or you could do something else to the button if there is an error. But all this should happen from a single handler since the validation is happening asynchronously, and right now, since the animation and validation are happening from two different handlers that are both triggered by clicks on the button, you're not able to sync those two processes up.

So I'm thinking something like this:

new ProgressButton( bttn, {
    callback : function( instance ) {

         var nome = $("#edtNome").val();
         var mail = $("#edtEmail").val();
         var fone = $("#edtTelefone").val();
         var mensagem = $("#edtMensagem").val();

         var animation = function() {
             var progress = 0,
             interval = setInterval( function() {
                 progress = Math.min( progress + Math.random() * 0.1, 1 );
                 instance._setProgress( progress );
                 if( progress === 1 ) {
                     clearInterval( interval );
            }, 200 );

                type: 'POST',
                url: "envia_mail_a2.php",
                //context: document.body,
                //dataType: 'text',

                success: function(){
                    //alert('Enviado com sucesso')
                    //call the animation
                error: function () {
                    alert('Erro ao enviar');
                    //do another animation if there is an error
} );

To be honest, progress bars aren't great for AJAX calls when you're not able to really tell what the "progress" of the call is ... I guess you could do something that worked off the readyState of the XHR object using onreadystatechange events, but often times most AJAX progress indicators like this are some type of looping animation.

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