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DOCTYPE breaks nth-child background colors

My CSS is validated, but still breaks when adding <!DOCTYPE html> . What am I doing wrong? I have search the forums and the common response seems to be [add height: 100% to the body, html tags. Did that, but no luck.

Without DOCTYPE: http://www.babeweiser.com/rockhistory/ With DOCTYPE: http://www.babeweiser.com/rockhistory/test.php


html, body 
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
background: #333333; 
margin: auto;
width: 90%;
background: #5e6d3d;
padding: 10px;
font-family: sans-serif;
    display: Table;
    display: table-caption;
    text-align: center;
    font-weight: bold;
    font-size: larger;
    background: #c6d4a8;
    display: table-row;
    font-weight: bold;
    text-align: center;
    display: table-row;
    height: 100%; width: 100%;
background: #daedb2;
background: #c6d4a8;
    display: table-cell;
    padding: 15px;
color: #999;
option {
color: #000;


<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Today in Rock History</title>
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.3/jquery.min.js"> </script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="rockhistory2.css">

$(function() {
      type: "POST",  
      url: "pull_history2.php",  
      data: "" + status,  
      success: function(data){  
          document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = data;


    $(document).on('submit', '#reg-form', function()

        var data = $(this).serialize();


        type : 'POST',
        url  : 'pull_history2.php',
        data : data,
        success :  function(data)
                document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = data;
        return false;




<div class="Container">
<form id="reg-form" name="reg-form" method="post">
<select name="month" required  id="month" size="1">
<option value="" disabled selected>Month</option>
$mo = 1; 
while($mo <= 12) {
    echo '<option value= "' . $mo . '">' . date("F", mktime(0, 0, 0, $mo+1, 0, 0)) . '</option>';
    echo "\n";
<select name="day" required id="day" size="1">
<option value="" disabled selected>Day</option>
$da = 1; 
while($da <= 31) {
    echo '<option value= "' . $da . '">' . date("j", mktime(0, 0, 0, 0, $da, 0)) . '</option>';
    echo "\n";

 <button type="submit" >Go</button>


    <p id="demo"></p>






if($_POST) {
    $month= $_POST['month'];
    $day= $_POST['day'];
} else {
    $month = date('n');
    $day = date('j');

$tdate=date("F j", mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, 0));

<div class="Table">
    <div class="Title">
        <p><? echo "This Day in Rock History for $tdate" ?></p>
    <div class-"heading"> 

    $db = mysql_connect("localhost","xxx", "xxx");
    $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM RockHistory081512 WHERE      month=$month AND day=$day ORDER BY year",$db);
        if (!$result) { echo("ERROR: " . mysql_error() . "\n$SQL\n"); }
            while ($row = mysql_fetch_array ($result)) {

            <div class="Row">
                    <div class="Cell">
                            <p><? echo $row["year"] ?></p>
                    <div class="Cell">
                            <p><? echo $row["history"] ?></p>                       
            mysql_free_result ($result);

<div class="Row">
     <div class="Cell">
     <div class="Cell">
           <p><small>Copyright &copy; <? echo date("Y"); ?> Tim Spencer</p>

You are using .Row and .row in your CSS. One is initial caps and the other is not. Change div.row:nth-child to div.Row:nth-child .

Applying the doctype enforces a set of rules on your document. Without the doctype the two are treated the same.

It is the case sensitivity. either modify classname to "row" (lowercase letters). or change the relevant styles in stylesheet.

div.Row:nth-child(even) -> (R as uppercase).. div.Row:nth-child(odd)

You better check the browser compatibilities of n-th selectors.. It is supported in IE 9 and higher versions.


The technical post webpages of this site follow the CC BY-SA 4.0 protocol. If you need to reprint, please indicate the site URL or the original address.Any question please contact:yoyou2525@163.com.

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