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Check if key exists in a dict in Jinja2 template on ansible

I have a host_var in ansible with dict with all interfaces:

    state: true

    state: true

And I want to check if dict has a key vlan1 if ok put to template value vlan1.ip else put vlan2.ip .

{% if interfaces.vlan1 %} 
# and also I try {% if 'vlan1' in interfaces %}
{{ interfaces.vlan1.ip }};
{% else %}
{{ interfaces.vlan2.ip|default("") }};
{% endif %};

But i have an error:

fatal: [] => {'msg': "AnsibleUndefinedVariable: One or more undefined variables: 'dict object' has no attribute 'vlan1'", 'failed': True}

I found that it have to be work in Jinja2 but it seems to doesn't work in ansible. Maybe someone have another way for solving this problem? When I define vlan1 it works fine. Ansible version 1.9.2

I was trying to reproduce it in python and have no error if my dictionary have not key vlan1 . thanks to @GUIDO

>>> from jinja2 import Template
>>> b = Template("""
... {% if interfaces.vlan1 %}
... {{ interfaces.vlan1.ip }}
... {% else %}
... {{ interfaces.vlan2.ip|default("") }}
... {% endif %}""")
>>> b.render(interfaces={'vlan3':{'ip':''},'vlan2':{'ip':''}})
>>> b.render(interfaces={'vlan1':{'ip':''},'vlan2':{'ip':''}})

The answer is simple and it showed on ansible error message. First of all I need to check if var is defined.

{% if interfaces.vlan1 is defined %}
{{ interfaces.vlan1.ip }}
{% else %}
{{ interfaces.vlan2.ip|default("") }}
{% endif %}

This combination works well.

The best way to check if a key exists in a dictionary (in any Jinja2 context, not just with Ansible) is to use the in operator, eg:

{% if 'vlan1' in interfaces %}
{{ interfaces.vlan1.ip |default(interfaces.vlan2.ip) }};
{% endif %}

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