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How to change OpenShift Jenkins to use HTTP instead of HTTPs

I create an application Jenkins on Openshift, but when I tried to visit http://[app_name]-[domain_name].rhcloud.com/ , it will be redirected to https://[app_name]-[domain_name].rhcloud.com/ .

I curl the http address, the result is :

<title>302 Found</title>
<p>The document has moved <a href="https://[app_name]-[domain_name].rhcloud.com/">here</a>.</p>
<address>Apache/2.2.15 (Red Hat) Server at [app_name]-[domain_name].rhcloud.com Port 80</address>

If I do not want to be redirected to https, what should I do? I searched in my openshift folders, but cannot find any helpful things


RewriteRule ^https://[app_name]-[domain_name].rhcloud.com/(.*)  http://[app_name]-[domain_name].rhcloud.com/$1 [R=301,NC]

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