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PHP Last.fm Get Largest Image for an Artist

I have the following code

    $xml = simplexml_load_file("http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?method=artist.getinfo&artist=Metallica&api_key=b25b959554ed76058ac220b7b2e0a026");
    $artistTag= $xml->artist->children();
    $largeImage = $artistTag[7];
    echo '<img src="'.$largeImage.'" />';     

This will target the 7th node - however the 7th node might not exist so this won't work. Is there anyway to specifically target the large, extralarge or mega nodes?

Example XML

<lfm status="ok">
<image size="small">
<image size="medium">
<image size="large">
<image size="extralarge">
<image size="mega">
<image size="">

So if mega doesn't exist, go for extralarge, if that doesn't exist, go to large etc

This is possibly a duplicate of : SimpleXML: Selecting Elements Which Have A Certain Attribute Value

Here is what I would think for your particular case:

$xml = simplexml_load_file("http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?method=artist.getinfo&artist=Metallica&api_key=b25b959554ed76058ac220b7b2e0a026");
$largeImage = $xml->xpath('/lfm/artist/image[@size="mega"]')[0];
echo '<img src="'.$largeImage.'" />';     
$xml = simplexml_load_file("http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?method=artist.getinfo&artist=Metallica&api_key=b25b959554ed76058ac220b7b2e0a026");
$largeImage = $xml->xpath('/lfm/artist/image[@size="mega"]')[0];
echo '<img src="'.$largeImage.'" />'; 

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