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get values by key name mongodb node.js driver

I have looked every where and can not find whether it can be done I'm trying to return all values in a object by only searching by it's key name. My document looks like this.

    "_id": ObjectID("5636e00c09431db4560ef063"),
    "username": "example@web.com",
    "credentials": {
        "password": "e5e0ba4ce8ae13d1d0291e98d9a62b4d68f1db737a36a9373f916185157500cc",
        "randomSalt": "00dfb37635ba7e5a513f9fd6e8bdf746f85ec3571df8288e1fdb44f399e331f0"

Is there a fast easy way in doing this with the native node.js drivers

My code so far

function getUserLoginFromDatabase(username, callback) {
    mongodb.connect(url, function(err, db) {
        if(err) {

        var collection = db.collection(username);

        collection.find({},{"credentials":1}, function(err, result) {
            callback(err, result);

Update Going off of what Alok Deshwal said to do i get this. I'm using mongodb v3.0.7 if that makes a difference.

function getUserLoginFromDatabase(username, callback) {
    mongodb.connect(url, function(err, db) {
        if(err) {

        var collection = db.collection(username);

        collection.find({},{"credentials":1,"_id":0,"username":0}, function(err, result) {
            callback(err, result);


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     ns: 'mydb.exsample@web.com',                                                                                                                             
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You can do something like this in order to get existing credentials only.

var res = []; db.collection.find({credentials : {$exists:true}}).forEach(function(document){ res.push(document.credentials})

Then you can callback the array: callback(err, res)

Does this help you?

Alright so based on what i original thought was the right way i can achieve my output by throwing it into a array. You only need "credentials":1 to only grab the credentials and including "credentials":1,"_id":0,"username":0 as told by Alok Deshwal causes mongodb to throw a error.

function getUserLoginFromDatabase(username, callback) {
    mongodb.connect(url, function(err, db) {
        if(err) {

        var collection = db.collection(username);

        collection.find({},{"credentials":1}).toArray(function(err, result) {
            callback(err, result);

But then it becomes tedious in the callback to use the data because it is in a array when it should not be. I'll be asking another question about this and also why including more fields causes mongodb to throw a error.

randomSalt = result[0]["credentials"].randomSalt;
userStoredPassword = result[0]["credentials"].password;

Also the conclusion of this answer is here

If you want to search by it's key name , you can use $exist operator


use "keyname":0 to exclude from result and "keyname":1 to include in result

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