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Loopback related model property problems

I have a user model (extending from built in User ) and a UserDetail model which are related:

user relations:

    "relations": {
        "userDetails": {
            "type": "hasOne",
            "model": "UserDetail",
            "foreignKey": "userDetailUserId"

If I run the code below in node, I can see the userDetails property on the returned object, but cannot access it directly.

var User = app.models.user;
      include: 'userDetails',
      where: {id: userId}

The log is as follows:


{ my user details ....
id: 100,
   { userDetailId: 13,
   userDetailUserId: 100,
   userDetailFirstName: 'Stephen',
   userDetailLastName: 'Knox',} }
{ [Function]
   getAsync: [Function],
   create: [Function],
   build: [Function],
   update: [Function],
   destroy: [Function],
   _targetClass: 'UserDetail' }


Rather than giving me the userDetails object, which I can see, I get the hasOne methods . This seems odd behaviour but I can't find anything wrong with the model or relationship definition.

Can anyone help?

I believe that in order to access a related model, you need to call user.userDetails().

Or, you can call user.toJSON() and this will give you a plain JS object

I was pulling my hair trying to understand why am I not getting a related object. Experimenting with .toJSON() fixed it.

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