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Get value of custom attribute with c# from the code behind file

I've the code below where I dynamically give the div a value for the attribute "data-order". I'd like be able to grab this value with c# from the code behind file, but I unfortunately cant figure out how to do it.

<asp:ListView ID="display_backlog" runat="server" DataSourceID="get_backlog" DataKeyNames="story_id">
        <p>There is no stories in the product backlog for this project.</p>
        <div class="row" CssClass="sortable-item" runat="server" data-order="" data-id='<%# Eval("story_id") %>'>
                <div class="col-12">
                    <div class="panel">
                        <p><asp:Label Text='<%# Eval("story_title") %>' runat="server" ID="story_titleLabel" /></p> 
        <div runat="server" id="itemPlaceholderContainer" style=""><span runat="server" id="itemPlaceholder" /></div>
        <div style="">

Any help would be appreciated.

One possibility is to add a hidden input server control to the page and to set the value of that hidden input dynamically when you set the value of the "data-order" attribute. You can then get the value of the hidden input easily from the code behind (because it's a server control) whenever you submit the form, as long as the hidden server control is in the form.

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