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Display Data from Json Array Using AngularJS

I am trying to display data from JSON array in a table using following code. But all data is displayed in a single row. It should be displayed as each record in each row with grey color for Even and White for odd. But I am making some mistake I am not able to identify it.

CSS Style:

table,td  {
    border: none;
    border-collapse: collapse;
    padding: 5px;
    height: 64px;
table tr:nth-child(odd) {
    background-color: #f1f1f1;
table tr:nth-child(even) {
    background-color: #ffffff;

My View (It is a partial view which is displayed from index.html):

      <h1 id="title">Shuttle Schedule</h1>
        <table width="100%" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="25" style="margin-top:-118px">
            <thead  align="center">
                <th ng-repeat="row in module.csvInput">{{row.label}}</th>
                <th ng-repeat="row in module.csvInput">{{row.label}}</th>

            <tr align="center" >
                <td ng-repeat="row in module.csvInput" >
                    <div ng-repeat="(id, time) in row.times" ng-if="id <= 8">

                <td ng-repeat="row in module.csvInput">
                    <div ng-repeat="(id, time) in row.times" ng-if="id > 8">

        <h3 class="noservice">No Service 1:20pm to 2:00pm<br> Driver can make additional runs beyond this schedule if needed.<br>
            D1 is 8910 Ridgeline Blvd. D4 is 8744 Lucent Blvd.</h3>

My JSON's Snippet:

  "modules": [

      "title": "Shuttle Schedule",
      "feature": "shuttle",
      "order": 4,
      "csvInput": [
          "label": "D1 PickUp",
          "times": [
            "8:00 AM",
            "8:30 AM",
            "9:00 AM",
            "9:30 AM",
            "10:00 AM",
            "10:30 AM",
            "11:00 AM",
            "11:30 AM",
            "12:00 PM",
            "12:30 PM",
            "1:30 PM"
        "label": "D4 PickUp",
        "times": [
          "7:50 AM",
          "8:20 AM",
          "8:50 AM",
          "9:20 AM",
          "9:50 AM",
          "10:20 AM",
          "10:50 AM",
          "11:20 AM",
          "11:50 AM",
          "12:20 PM",
          "12:50 PM",
          "1:10 PM"
      "filter": null,
      "icon": "media/shuttle.svg"
  "settings": {
    "buildings": 2,
    "floor": 4,
    "timeout": "120 (in seconds)",
    "cssOverride": "custom.css",
    "kiosk_coords": "200,200"

My output: 我的桌子放在一个单元格里

Desired Styling output : 我正在尝试在单独的行中实现这种样式和数据

You should put ng-repeat on tr tag not on td tag first. So it should be something like :

<table> <tr ng-repeat="entity in list"><td>{{entity.lable}}</td> 
<td ng-repeat="time in entity.times">{{time}}</td></tr></table>

EDIT : if you want your data to look in html like : entity.label : entity.time entity.label : entity.time ...

Then you should probably do this :

<table> <div ng-repeat="entity in list"><tr ng-repeat="time in entity.times><td ng-class-odd="'grey'" ng-class-even="'white'">{{entity.lable}}</td> 
<td ng-class-odd="'grey'" ng-class-even="'white'">{{time}}</td></tr></div></table>

You need to unroll the data to match the way you want them to be displayed

$scope.module = data.modules[0];
var csvInput = $scope.module.csvInput;
$scope.headers = csvInput.map(x => x.label );
var rows = csvInput.map(x => x.times.slice(0, 8)).concat(csvInput.map(x => x.times.slice(8)));
var n = Math.max.apply(null, rows.map(x => x.length));
$scope.rows = [];
for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
  $scope.rows[i] = rows.map(x => x[i]);

And display that data

<table width="100%" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="25" style="margin-top:-118px">
  <thead align="center">
    <th ng-repeat="row in headers">{{row}}</th>
    <th ng-repeat="row in headers">{{row}}</th>
    <tr ng-repeat="row in rows">
      <td ng-repeat="col in row track by $index">{{col}}</td>

See http://jsfiddle.net/r0005a1t/

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