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Control bound to property value doesn't update

I'm having a bit of a problem with WPF property binding. First the code.


public partial class WPFTextBox: UserControl
    private bool _bold;
    public bool Bold
        get { return _bold; }
            _bold = value;

    private bool _selectionChanged;

    public WPFTextBox()

        DataContext = this;

        Bold = true;  // <--- This works, the checkbox will be checked
        _selectionChanged = false;

     private void txtDetails_SelectionChanged(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
         var selection = txtDetails.Selection;
         _selectionChanged = true;
         Bold = selection.FontWeight() == FontWeights.Bold; 
         // ^-- This doesn't work It will trigger everything, but the checkbox won't
         // change value. FontWeight() is an extension I wrote
         _selectionChanged = false;

     private void OnPropertyChanged(string name)
            return; // If the change was brought from the user moving the
                    // cursor in the textbox, don't change the textbox.
         TextRange range = txtDetails.Selection;
             case "Bold":
                 // change selection to bold, like I mentioned I does work


<RichTextBox Name="txtDetails" SelectionChanged="txtDetails_SelectionChanged"/>

<CheckBox Name="chkBold" Content="Bold" IsChecked="{Binding Path=Bold}"/>

I'm creating a textbox with format options. The binding works in the constructor, but not in the selection changed event. I've tried adding a lot of options to the binding such as Mode=TwoWay and different property changed triggers.

The reason I'm using the _selectionChanged bool is because if I don't check for that, if I have a word was different formatting such as he llo and I click on it, it will change the formatting for all of the word to either bold or not. I think maybe it's because I'm handling it in selection changed event, but then I'm not sure where else I could change property value.

See the example from here , you can just grab the INPC part.

    _bold = value;

You need to inherit INotifyPropertyChanged interface

and implement PropertyChangedEventHandler

public class WPFTextBox: UserControl,System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged
        public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
        protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
            PropertyChangedEventHandler handler = PropertyChanged;
            if (handler != null)
                handler(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));

And call OnPropertyChanged in the setter of your property

1.You can use UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged event also. 2.Yes binding work on controls from the Extended WPF Toolkit. IsChecked="{xcd:Path=Bold}"

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