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Can I extend a final class in Swift?

I'm using a third-party library for a new app that I'm making using Swift. The author of the class/library has made it final using the final keyword, probably to optimise and to prevent overriding its properties and methods.


final public class ExampleClass {
   // Properties and Methods here

Is it possible for me extend the class and add some new properties and methods to it without overriding the defaults?

Like so:

extension ExampleClass {
    // New Properties and Methods inside


Extensions (like Objective-C categories) don't allow stored properties.
Methods and computed properties are fine though.

A common (but IMO hacky) workaround in Objective-C was to use associated objects to gain storage within categories. This also works in Swift if you import ObjectiveC .
This answer contains some details .

Yes, you can extend a final class. That extension has to follow the usual rules for extensions, otherwise it's nothing special.

While you cannot create new stored properties in extensions you can add methods and computed properties .

Example computed property:

extension ExampleClass { 

  // computed properties do not have a setter, only get access
  var asInt: Int? { 

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