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Non persistent superclass with persistent subclass

What happens when I persist this subclass? Are the variables a and b available when I'd query the database for the Subclass object? How can I persist a and b?

public Superclass {

    private int a;
    private Obj b;

    // ... 

public Subclass extends Superclass{
    @id int x;

    public Subclass(int a, Obj b, int x){
        super(a, b);

a and b will not be persisted.

From https://docs.oracle.com/javaee/6/tutorial/doc/bnbqn.html

Non-Entity Superclasses

Entities may have non-entity superclasses, and these superclasses can be either abstract or concrete. The state of non-entity superclasses is nonpersistent, and any state inherited from the non-entity superclass by an entity class is nonpersistent. Non-entity superclasses may not be used in EntityManager or Query operations. Any mapping or relationship annotations in non-entity superclasses are ignored.

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