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How far to separate out business logic in MVVM

Here's a simplified ViewModel:

public class EditViewModel : BaseViewModel
    private Item _currentItem;
    public Item CurrentItem
        { return _currentItem; }
            if (_currentItem != value)
                _currentItem = value;

    private ObservableCollection<Property> _itemProperties;
    public ObservableCollection<Property> ItemProperties
        get { return _itemProperties; }
            _itemProperties = value;

    public void AddProperty() //this is called from an ICommand
        Property p = new Property{ ItemId = CurrentItem.ItemId };;

What I'd like to do is to separate out the business logic here into a separate class. It keeps all the annoying MVVM boilerplate out of the way of the useful stuff, and in theory should lead to organizing the code into a more testable state.

We're starting to do this by creating separate "Logic" classes which inherit from BaseViewModel and then have the actual ViewModels inherit from their logic class. So:

public class EditLogic : BaseViewModel
{ }

public class EditViewModel : EditLogic
{ }

Then the logic goes in the logic class.

For some business logic this separation is simple - nice and clean. However, in the example I've given above I can't see a simple way of pulling that method out without a lot of unnecessary faff. Something like this (untested):

public class EditLogic : BaseViewModel
    public Property GetNewProperty(Item currentItem)
        Property p = new Property{ ItemId = currentItem.ItemId };
        return p;

public class EditViewModel : BaseViewModel
    public void AddProperty() //this is called from an ICommand

This seems potentially confusing - since it's relying on CurrentItem implicitly being passed by reference - and unnecessarily convoluted to no great gain.

This is, of course, a very simple example which isn't worth fussing over. But it illustrates the point that in MVVM it's very easy to end up mixing your presentation/binding code with your business logic for the sake of convenience.

I could move some of the properties out from the EditViewModel to the EditLogic but then we're losing the advantages of separating these two out in the first place.

So: is it worth bothering with this at all? If so, how far should we pursue it? And are there any better methods for maintaining separation?

What you are looking for are services .

public interface IPropertyService
    Property GetNewProperty(Item currentItem);

You will of course need an implementation:

public class MyPropertyService : IPropertyService
    public Property GetNewProperty(Item currentItem)

You can then inject this service into the constructor of your view model as a dependency.

public class MyViewModel
    private IPropertyService _PropertyService;

    public MyViewModel(IPropertyService propertyService)
        _PropertyService = propertyService;

    public void AddProperty() //this is called from an ICommand
        Property p = _PropertyService.GetProperty(CurrentItem);

This will ensure that you don't need to create a myriad of view model base classes for your business logic. Instead, encapsulate your business logic in services and pass them into view models that depend on them.

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